6 foton i fotokollage. Panel och talare som står och som sitter i soffa.

Signatory Event 2024

On Monday 14 October we had our annual Signatory Event where we welcomed new members and offered inspiring talks. What an inspirational day we had!

Below is a summary of the Signatory Event by Diversity Charter Sweden's Chair Petra Karmteg.

💡The researcher Daniel Bodén asked the question "AI - liberating for whom? Enslaving for whom?" As AI takes away the simpler tasks, who are we excluding from the labour market?

💡Monika Magnusson told me about how Apotek Hjärtat work with the feeling (= inclusion) and not just the numbers (= diversity).

💡Anna Bergholtz guided us through the concepts of disability, disability variation and disabled person.

💡 Ambassador of Canada Jason LaTorre described how Canada has successfully capitalised on its diverse population and developed a 'multi-cultural act' back in the 1980s.

💡Social Affairs Minister Mr Jakob Forssmed talked about one of our major societal problems - loneliness.

💡Sven Hagströmer talked about how he founded AllBright because he "would rather throw stones in glass houses and expose his ignorance than sit with his arms crossed".

💡Adrian Imani Herdies, Ryan Caruana and Marx Mukaru from Johanneshov FF shared their journey "where nothing has been easy" when they founded the club. Johanneshov FF was started because young people needed a football club where young people rule and not the adults.
Marx Mukaru then ended the day by performing a poem on stage that hit us all right in the ❤️.

A big thank you to Member Host Apotek Hjärta and Event Host PS Occassion. And to photographer Jonas Borg for fantastic photos.

6 foton i fotokollage. Panel och talare som står och som sitter i soffa.
6 foton i fotokollage. Panel och talare som står och som sitter i soffa.

Signatory Event 2024

On Monday 14 October we had our annual Signatory Event where we welcomed new members and offered inspiring talks. What an inspirational day we had! Below is a summary of Signatory


Stockholm: Regional Member Meeting: Menopause

REGISTER MEMBERSHIP CONTACT US " All Events Stockholm: Regional Member Meeting: Menopause November 29 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am Welcome to a member meeting in Stockholm on the theme: Menopause Friday Knowledge and Regional