Knowledge bank

In Diversity Charter Sweden you will find a wealth of knowledge and experience gathered in our knowledge bank. An active dissemination of knowledge contributes to increased value.

Religion or other beliefs

Religion refers to religious beliefs such as Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Other beliefs include those that are based on or related to a religious view, such as Buddhism, atheism and agnosticism.

Political opinions and ethical or philosophical values that are not related to religion are not covered by the protection of the Discrimination Act.

Source: Diskrimineringsombudsmannen (DO). 


Signatory Event 2023

The big diversity and inclusion event of the year Listen to exciting speakers and welcome/sign up around 40 new members. This year's theme: "Who counts?" This year's speaker Moderator: Ain Moin, Marketing Manager Axians Anna Carlsson Sigstedt, Secretary General Diversity.