Start Kit

We are delighted that you have chosen to join the Diversity Charter Sweden! Here is everything you need to kick-start a vocal and active membership. Welcome on board!

Too vocal and active membership

To be a member of Diversity Charter Sweden is to passionately stand up for diversity and inclusion, both in the workplace and throughout society. Together we highlight and share the pride in our membership, to create a more inclusive future for all. Welcome to join the journey!

To shine together on the web and in social media, we want the following from you:
  1. Share your passion! Submit your organisation's logo (in jpg or png format).
  2. Let us hear your voice! A short quote explaining why you have chosen to become a member of the Diversity Charter Sweden.
  3. Invite your stars! Name, email address and place of work for those who wish to receive personalised invitations to our events. Don't hesitate to include the whole team - we welcome everyone!
To really show your pride and commitment as a member:
  1. Stand out in the crowd! Showcase the Diversity Charter Sweden logging on your website.
  2. Spread the word! Tell us about your membership on your website and share the news in social media.
  3. Keep everyone informed! Highlight your involvement in newsletter and, if possible, in press releases.
  4. Be part of our digital network! Follow us on our social media channels and connect to our programmes. LinkedIn groups.
  5. Kickstart your journey with us! We recommend a start-up meeting, either physically or digitally, which lasts between 30-60 minutes. Together with our Secretary-General, you can introduce your membership to your colleagues. It is particularly valuable to include the management team and the communication team. Welcome to the community!
Spromote the Diversity Charter in your social media

Flaunt your new membership in Diversity Charter Sweden on your social platforms! By liking, commenting and sharing our posts, you actively contribute to raising our issues and making them more visible. Let's create a digital movement for diversity and inclusion together!

You can find examples below.

Use our information film

Our nya gives you insights into how important diversity and an inclusive working life are for business and organisational benefit, it gives you an excellent opportunity to stand up for diversity and inclusion, both in the workplace and in society at large. 

With a longer and a shorter version of the film, subtitled in both Swedish and English, you can easily share it on social media and use it during meetings. AUse the film during Diversity Month, as part of an activity or build your activity around the film. 

Share the film and we will reach more people and become stronger. 


Swedish text, film length 58 sec.

Swedish subtitles, film length 3.17 min.

English subtitles, film length 58 sec.

English subtitles, film duration 3.17 min. 

Signatory Event 2022

Factsheet on the Diversity Charter Sweden

Introduce what the Diversity Charter Sweden stands for and what it means to become a member/sign up. statute/charter 

Get involved!

We are always looking for committed people from our member organisations who want to get involved, as everything we do is driven and done by our members. Many find that it is the planning groups that provide the added value of deeper networking and above all it is learning, as it is about keeping a good watch on the world around us.  
One of the Board members has the main responsibility and the office manages the invitations and the promotion of the activities.

Production Group 

This is the group that plans, invites speakers to our monthly Digital Learning Fridays sessions. The planning meetings are digital, but they are recorded in Nordea's studio in central Stockholm. At the moment we are about 10 people who divide ourselves into smaller project groups to be responsible for one Learning Fridays per semester. Planning a Learning Fridays session takes about 10 hours/ session.

Regional groups 

There is a planning group for each location (Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö) and they plan one to two physical meetings per semester. Usually the whole group is involved in the planning and then the physical meeting is at a member organisation or restaurant. The group is responsible for hosting and making sure there are exciting small group discussions.

Hosting means providing a venue, in Stockholm for 75-100 people and in Gothenburg for 20-30 people. Want to start a regional group in another location? Please get in touch!

Board of Directors 

Nominate yourself or someone else from a member organisation. Information about nominations can be found in newsletters and emails when relevant This work takes about 8 hours per month, as this is an operational board.

Logos and quotes!

Log in

Your logo will be published on our website and social media along with many well-known companies and organisations.


Your quote will be posted on our website and on social media.
"Att vara en arbetsplats som är öppen och inkluderande för alla är en nyckel för Beijer att fortsätta vår framgångsresa. Genom att vara medlem i Diversity Charter får vi ytterligare kunskaper och insikter. Vi vill vara bäst i branschen även inom mångfald." Beijer Byggmaterial AB

"Duni Group is happy to be part of Diversity Charter Sweden as well as in other part of Europe, our aim is to increase the knowledge and capability of creating a diverse and inclusive organisation to reach our ambitious goals for becoming a trusted and circular sustainability leader by 2030."
Duni Group

Instructions for use 

  • The maximum number of words is 100.
  • Keep in mind:
    • Mentioning the name of the company/organisation is positive, but not a requirement.
    • That membership of Diversity Charter Sweden is mentioned (full name).
    • That it is not agreements, co-operation etc. but membership.
    • That if no specific person is indicated as a signatory, the citation is signed with the name of the company/organisation. 

Examples of how to create a recognised and active membership

Our logo on your website

Knowit and many other members have our logo on their website and publicise their membership.

Download our logo

Log 300 dpi, jpg format.

White background, for social media

Log 300 dpi, png format

Transparent, for websites

Write about us on your website

Nordea and several other members describe on their website why they are members.

Text proposal: "Diversity Charter Sweden works for a world where different ideas, knowledge, experience and competences count, where difference is a resource. Through our membership, we are part of the world's largest network on diversity and inclusion issues. Diversity Charter Sweden is a springboard for companies and organisations that want to increase their creativity and competitiveness with the help of the dynamics of an organisation that puts diversity before sameness. Diversity Charter

Press release announcing your membership

A good way to spread the word that you have become a member and are actively promoting diversity and inclusion. Popular position with customers and staff.

Member examples:

Post on your social channels

Tell us that you are a new member of the Diversity Charter Sweden. Like, comment and share our posts. This will make our issues more visible on social media.

Member examples: 


Do you have a newsletter like Hammer & Hanborg? Then spread the good news that you have become a member of Diversity Charter Sweden!

Member examples:

Encourage your colleagues to follow
us in our social media

On Youtube, where you can watch our knowledge activities such as Friday Knowledge & Signatory Event afterwards. You can also subscribe.

Email banner

A simple and powerful way to clearly demonstrate your membership of the Diversity Charter Sweden and your commitment to a more inclusive future is to use our email banner. 

Whether you just joined or have been with us for a while, the banner is available in two colours to suit all our proud members. We suggest you use the attached "New Member" banners. if you have just joined and the other two when you have been a member for a while. 


EU assessment tools

How good is your organisation at managing diversity? 

Use the EU's diversity self-assessment tool: see where your organisation stands right now and whether you are a diversity champion, a diversity discoverer or a diversity beginner, and start discovering how you can move forward on this journey. 

The tool is for employers in the public and private sectors, and for large and small organisations. The results of the tool are indicative only, and all information is confidential. The assessment takes 20-30 minutes and you will receive an email with your results.