Knowledge bank
In Diversity Charter Sweden you will find a wealth of knowledge and experience gathered in our knowledge bank. An active dissemination of knowledge contributes to increased value.
A disability is defined as a permanent physical, mental or intellectual limitation of a person's ability to function. It may be the result of an injury or disease that was present at birth, has occurred since birth or is expected to occur. Temporary limitations of a person's functional capacity are not a disability within the meaning of the Discrimination Act.
Source: Diskrimineringsombudsmannen (DO).
Top EU candidates' answers to questions for Friday Knowledge 31 May, 8:30-9:30
Here are the answers to the four questions we asked the top EU candidates on how they will pursue the issues for a more inclusive labour market. Question 1 - What do you have
Friday Knowledge - How will EU candidates promote diversity and inclusion?
During Diversity Month, we work with other Charters in Europe and the European Commission to recognise the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and society. This time, the month coincides with
Friday Knowledge - How can images and texts be inclusive/exclusive?
In today's globalised society, companies face the challenge of designing communications that both reflect the internal diversity of their workforce and appeal to and engage a diverse customer base. This requires a deeper understanding of
Signatory Event 2023
The big diversity and inclusion event of the year Listen to exciting speakers and welcome/sign up around 40 new members. This year's theme: "Who counts?" This year's speaker Moderator: Ain Moin, Marketing Manager Axians Anna Carlsson Sigstedt, Secretary General Diversity.
Speaker at Signatory Event 2022 Alireza Ahmadi, Activity Leader Right To Play Sweden. Alireza is 21 years old and an active participant in the organisation Right To Play, which works for and together with
Digitisation is happening at a rapid pace, opening up new opportunities and challenges. The "new normal" after the pandemic and new legal requirements place higher demands on digital accessibility and inclusion.