Knowledge bank

Here we have gathered knowledge and experience from our previous activities and from our networks. 

About the Knowledge Bank

It brings together knowledge and experiences from previous activities. The knowledge bank is divided into ten sections and is based on the seven grounds of discrimination and the three relevant areas "Measuring diversity", "Inclusive leadership" and "Inclusive recruitment". The activities can occur under several grounds of discrimination/sections. 


Ethnicity refers to an individual's national and ethnic origin, skin colour or other similar relationship. National origin means that people have the same nationality, such as Finns, Poles or Swedes. Ethnic origin means that people have a relatively uniform cultural pattern. For example, a person may belong to one of the national minorities, such as the Sami or the Roma.


A disability is defined as a permanent physical, mental or intellectual limitation of a person's ability to function. It may be the result of an injury or disease that was present at birth, has occurred since birth or is expected to occur. Temporary limitations of a person's functional capacity are not a disability within the meaning of the Discrimination Act.


The concept of gender means that someone is a woman or a man. The prohibition of sex discrimination also covers people who are planning to change or have changed their gender.

Transgender identity or expression

Gender identity and gender expression are defined by law as someone who does not define themselves as female or male or express through their clothing (or in any other way) that they belong to a gender other than the one they were registered as at birth. The concepts include a person's mental or self-perceived gender image and how someone expresses what can be called their social gender, for example through clothing, body language, make-up or hairstyle.

Religion or other beliefs

Religion refers to religious beliefs such as Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Other beliefs include those that are based on or related to a religious view, such as Buddhism, atheism and agnosticism. Political views and ethical or philosophical values that are not related to religion are not covered by the protection of the Discrimination Act.

Sexual orientation

The law defines sexual orientation as homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual orientation.


Age means life expectancy. All people, regardless of age, are covered by the law's protection against discrimination.

Measuring diversity

A prerequisite for successful work on diversity and inclusion in the workplace is that it is based on facts, that you find out what it really looks like. This section brings together knowledge and experience on how to measure diversity.

Inclusive leadership

Current research shows a clear link between inclusive leadership, diversity and inclusion and the creation of innovative teams. Evidence that diversity contributes to new perspectives and increased rates of innovation is hardly needed for inclusive leaders. But hiring diversity is not the same as embracing it.

Inclusive recruitment

Recruitment is key to increasing the diversity of an organisation. Inclusive recruitment is a prerequisite to remain successful and competitive among customers and future employees.

Reading tips

Deepen your knowledge of diversity and inclusion in book form. Here is a list of books that can be useful for reference and/or inspiration. All with a focus on increasing diversity and inclusion in the labour market.

  • Gabriella Fägerlind - Diversity in practice: a handbook for inclusive workplaces - ISBN 9789198647433
 *The inclusion of a book as a reading suggestion does not mean that we guarantee its quality. We are not responsible for any views or opinions expressed in the books on the 'recommended reading list'.