Achieving inclusion and creating an environment that embraces diversity is not always the easiest thing to do. However, when more people are committed to creating an operational diversity and inclusion work, there is a better chance to succeed! But how do you create and sustain commitment?

The Fredagskunskap will give you engagement insights and several concrete examples of how you can create engagement, including through workplace ambassadors. You will also get ideas on what your workplace can do during Diversity Month in May.


Photo: Linda Rehlin Kruse
Matilda Bergkvist, Inclusion expert, founder and CEO of the consultancy Includer.
Matilda opens the Friday session by talking about how we can meet the psychological needs of competence, belonging and autonomy to engage employees in diversity and inclusion work.
How can we structure our work to meet these needs and what do we need to consider to engage employees and managers?

Mikael Arvered, Head of Division Construction at Ahlsell Sverige AB
At Ahlsell, twelve ambassadors were tasked with creating an agenda and understanding of diversity and inclusion in the company. Mikael Arvered talks about this work, and how this journey has opened his eyes and how a change of perspective provides insights that are sometimes frightening. 

Anna Carlsson Sigstedt, Secretary General, Diversity Charter Sweden
Anna inspires us to Diversity Month in May. Why your organisation should get involved with the whole EU, what you can do and what materials are available.

Åsa Nilsson Billme, Head of Diversity and Inclusion Nordea 
Inclusion - shared ownership and commitment essential 
We all know that the inclusion agenda requires everyone to play their part - policies or strategies are not enough. How can we create the best conditions for inclusion to become a common agenda?

Stockholm: Regional Member Meeting: Menopause

REGISTER MEMBERSHIP CONTACT US " All Events Stockholm: Regional Member Meeting: Menopause November 29 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am Welcome to a member meeting in Stockholm on the theme: Menopause Friday Knowledge and Regional