Watch the Pepp Hour from 7 March

Maybe you missed our Pepp Hour or want to watch it again? There is every opportunity to do so!

Anu Ritz Policy Officer, European Commission, explained, among other things, if and how the EU's communication material can be used. She also gave several good examples of how other companies/organisations have previously celebrated Diversity Month.

Anna Carlsson Sigstedt, Secretary General, Diversity Charter Sweden, spoke about Diversity Charter Sweden's plans for Diversity Month and together with several participants gave several inspiring tips on what they have done or intend to do during Diversity Month.

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Nominate for the Board of Directors 2025

WHO WILL LEAD THE WORK OF DIVERSITY CHARTER SWEDEN MEMBERS 2025? As a member, you will be invited to the annual meeting in good time. The Annual General Meeting is the highest decision-making body of the organisation and appoints


Signatory Event 2024 - Where are we going?

The Signatory Event is the occasion when we officially welcome our new members, have time to mingle with each other and listen to inspiring speakers. At Signatory Event 2024, we explored the changing future of