Friday Knowledge Theme Sustainability Directive CSRD focus diversity and inclusion

What challenges do we face in implementing sustainability requirements? How can diversity and inclusion be integrated into sustainability efforts and contribute to stronger corporate culture and better business performance?

Welcome to join us for a Friday Knowledge session that will provide perspective and new insights into the new sustainability legislation: the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Sustainability is a growing priority and now it is increasingly relevant with new laws and requirements that affect us all and where everyone will need to act. So, how do we do it? How does CSRD affect us? What does the human rights/diversity and inclusion aspect of the new legal requirements mean? How can we as companies and other organisations act?

  • Get clarity on the new legal requirements and how they affect your business.
  • Get motivation and inspiration for your sustainability efforts and use sustainability as a competitive advantage.
  • Learn how to make a positive impact both internally and externally.

Erik Weidstam, Ethos, Advisor and Area Manager, Sustainability Reporting and Strategy
Frida Olsson, PWC, Sustainability Advisor and Social Sustainability Specialist

Member example, Dustin, Jenny Litborn, Head of Sustainability

ModeratorSertac Celepli, Head of Social Sustainability, Stockholm Exergi

Friday Knowledge 27 September 2024 Theme Sustainability Directive CSRD
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