Friday Knowledge - Theme "Diversity Month - Assessing diversity and inclusion" 2023-05-26

To start any journey or to assess your progress, you need to know where you stand. This year, we invite all organisations to put the assessment of diversity and inclusion into the spotlight and to ask themselves: Do our diversity policies work? Do we know our employee mix? Are we open to all diverse talents? Are our policies and strategies supporting us in creating respectful, empowering and inspiring environments for everyone?

Being successful means knowing how to build bridges. Bridges with newcomers, team members, business partners, suppliers, customers and public authorities; and between different policies and strategies within an organisation.


Member examples from Finland, Denmark and Sweden

The entire "Fredagskunskap" will be held in English.

This Fredagskunskap is done in collaboration with Diversity Charter Denmark and Diversity Charter Finland (FIBS)

Stockholm: Regional Member Meeting: Menopause

REGISTER MEMBERSHIP CONTACT US " All Events Stockholm: Regional Member Meeting: Menopause November 29 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am Welcome to a member meeting in Stockholm on the theme: Menopause Friday Knowledge and Regional