Diversity Charter Sweden

Diversity Charter Sweden works for a world where different ideas, knowledge, experiences and competences count, where diversity is a resource

About us

Welcome to the world's largest diversity and inclusion network. Diversity Charter Sweden is a springboard for companies and organisations that want to increase their creativity and competitiveness with the help of the dynamics of an organisation that puts diversity before sameness. Here you will have the opportunity to gain knowledge in all seven grounds of discrimination linked to your business and operational benefits.

There are a number of studies that show that diversity in the workplace is positive for the development and profitability of companies and organizations. Therefore, we believe that diversity and inclusion should be an obvious and integrated issue in every modern company and organization's strategy. That is the basis for why Diversity Charter Sweden was started.

Companies and organizations have an important role to play in ensuring non-discrimination, diversity and inclusion. By signing the so-called diversity statutes make the organizations a voluntary commitment to create and maintain an inclusive work environment for their employees without discrimination in terms of gender, race or ethnic origin, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation

Diversity Charter Sweden is part of a larger European network, please visit The European Commission's platform for the European Diversity Charter.

Styrelsen för Diversity Charter står framför en fotovägg. På fotoväggen syns loggor för Apotek Hjärtat och Signatory Event.
Part of the Management Board 2024-2025


To increase knowledge and commitment to diversity and inclusion issues, a large number of activities are carried out. They are divided into four parts, monthly Learning Fridays, Regional member meetings and the two annual activities Diversity Month and Signature event. The activities are in the form of physical, digital and hybrid meeting


Learning Fridays

Learning Fridays web-broadcast seminars are the basis of Diversity Charter Sweden's dissemination of knowledge and experience about diversity and inclusion in working life.

Regional träff

Regional meetings

At our regional meetings, fantastic opportunities are offered through in-depth conversations in small groups as well as networking with other companies/organizations with similar challenges and conditions.

Diversity Month

In the month of May every year, Diversity Month is celebrated around the EU. We call on companies and organizations across Europe to join us and the European Commission and shine a spotlight on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and in society. The latter by organizing events and activities throughout the month.


Next Level

Gives you the opportunity to participate in in-depth workshops with a professional facilitator on inclusion work to create lasting change and increased organisational benefit. With the professional support of an inclusion expert, you will take your work to the next level, creating increased impact and change in the organisation.

Signatory Event 2024. Avtackning på scen av Anna Carlsson Sigstedt till Anna Bergholtz. Johanneshov FF och Jakob Forssmed.

Signatory Event

This is the big diversity and inclusion event of the year where we welcome/sign up new members and where we have a large number of renowned and interesting speakers on a specific theme. The activity is a hybrid where members can choose to participate in person or digitally.

EU plattformsmöte dec 2022 - Beskuren

EU Commission activities through the EU Platform

The European Commission organises digital workshops and seminars on their reports and directives. There are also opportunities to participate in other Charters' seminars and to be invited to physical EU meetings in Brussels. The European Commission's activities are in English.


Become part of the world's largest network of companies and organisations actively seeking successful ways to work on diversity/inclusion issues. The network provides great opportunities for experience sharing and knowledge development through our regular activities.


Signing a statute/charter implies a public commitment to promote diversity and inclusion together with others. Visibility of commitment to the issues in the workplace, both inside and outside the company, and dissemination of messages/knowledge about the benefits of equality and diversity and against discrimination.

What is included

Regular digital, physical and hybrid activities that provide opportunities for knowledge and experience sharing, increased insights and networking. Access to European network/platform within the European Commission that conducts workshops and, together with other charters, organises European Diversity Month in May.


Get in touch with other companies/organisations both in Sweden and the EU, exchange good practices, EU directives and learn from policies and measures. Be part of a network within the European Commission.

Membership fee

The membership fee is based on the size of the company/organisation and is between SEK 6,000-25,000/year, which in turn affects the member benefits in the form of access to physical member activities. Paid membership fees provide democratic influence on Diversity Charter Sweden where each member has one vote at the annual meeting.


Logotype för Diversity Charter Sweden

Nominate for the Board of Directors 2025

WHO WILL LEAD THE WORK OF DIVERSITY CHARTER SWEDEN MEMBERS 2025? As a member, you will be invited to the annual meeting in good time. The Annual General Meeting is the highest decision-making body of the organisation and appoints

6 foton i fotokollage. Panel och talare som står och som sitter i soffa.

Signatory Event 2024

On Monday 14 October we had our annual Signatory Event where we welcomed new members and offered inspiring talks. What an inspirational day we had! Below is a summary of Signatory


Knowledge bank

Here we gather knowledge and experiences from previous activities generously shared by our members, the European Commission, the EU and other Charters. The knowledge bank is divided into nine sections and is based on the seven grounds of discrimination and the three topical areas "Measuring Diversity", "Inclusive Recruitment" and "Inclusive Leadership". The texts on the grounds of discrimination are taken from the Discrimination Ombudsman (DO).

European Network

Network of 27 Diversity Charters in Europe, organised by the European Commission

The European Diversity Charters enable public and private sector organisations across the EU to design and implement effective diversity and inclusion strategies. By signing a charter, organisations make a public commitment to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The charters are organised at national level, with one charter per country. Together they have over 17,000 signatories covering over 17 million employees.

Once a year, a summit is organised at EU level for Diversity Charter member charters. In addition, the European Commission funds "Exchange Platforms", for the exchange of experience on inclusion in working life from a European perspective, and Diversity Month.

We are Diversity Charter Sweden

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Funkas logga i svart text. En stjärna i gult, rött, rosa, blått och grönt.
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Logga RECORDATI skrivet i grått. Under i röda bokstäver: Focused on You.