Logotype för Diversity Charter Sweden

Nominate for the Board of Directors 2025


As a member, you will be invited to the annual meeting in good time. The annual meeting is the association's highest decision-making body and appoints, among other things, the board that leads the business during the coming financial year. We hope that you as members will get involved in the association and develop its activities by nominating to the nomination committee who you think should sit on the board.

As a member, you will be invited to the annual meeting in good time. The annual meeting is the association's highest decision-making body and appoints, among other things, the board that leads the business during the coming financial year. We hope that you as members will get involved in the association and develop its activities by nominating to the nomination committee who you think should sit on the board.

Diversity Charter Sweden is an association whose business is to create a network for companies and organisations that actively seek a successful way of working with diversity and inclusion. Diversity Charter Sweden is also Sweden's representative in the EU's Diversity Charter activities, which currently cover 27 countries and more than 17,000 companies and organisations in Europe, of which your organisation is one.

Diversity Charter Sweden is led by a working board which, according to the statutes, consists of a chairperson, six to eight members and two to three deputies. The board is elected at the annual meeting. Members, i.e. you, can nominate candidates for the Board. At the annual meeting, a chairperson, five board members and three alternates are elected.

The Nomination Committee is interviewing members of the current Board to understand the ongoing work and future challenges facing the organisation. In light of this information, the Nomination Committee is now looking for people who, in addition to knowledge of diversity and inclusion,

People who can contribute in the following areas:

    • Strategic planning and business development with good implementation skills.

    • Increased visibility in the public debate.

    • Regional development.

    • Experience of large events as part of business development.

    • Economic governance.

Who can run and when?

    • If you are an employee of a member company, you have the opportunity to propose yourself or a candidate to the Nomination Committee.

    • You have a leading position in the management team or in close connection with the management team.

    • Only candidates from member companies can hold elected positions on the board.

You can also become a member of the Diversity Charter Sweden and register your company as a member before the annual meeting in order to nominate a candidate.

The Board has a full-time Secretary General and a full-time Communications Officer who are responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation and support the Board in areas such as membership services, communications, event planning and some administration.

What is expected of you?
You should expect to spend at least 8 hours a month on average on board work and 6 board meetings.

The nomination committee presents its proposal to the annual meeting and the annual meeting decides who will be elected to the board. Directly in connection with the annual meeting, the board constitutes itself. The candidates nominated will receive feedback from the nomination committee before the annual meeting and are expected to attend the annual meeting as far as possible.

Contact person:

For more information, please contact the convenor of the Nomination Committee:
Daniel Almgren daniel.almgren@bluestep.se.

If you are already ready to send your nomination email directly to: valberedningen@diversitycharter.se

Enter the name and member organisation of the nominee.

PLEASE NOTE! The Nomination Committee must receive your nomination by 20 December 2024.

Welcome with your nomination! Together we are stronger and can work towards a more inclusive labour market.


Daniel Almgren
Convener of the Nomination Committee

Gabriella Wiiala Linda Gerdin
Member Nomination Committee Alternate Nomination Committee

Logotype för Diversity Charter Sweden
Logotype för Diversity Charter Sweden

Nominate for the Board of Directors 2025

WHO WILL LEAD THE WORK OF DIVERSITY CHARTER SWEDEN MEMBERS 2025? As a member, you will be invited to the annual meeting in good time. The Annual General Meeting is the highest decision-making body of the organisation and appoints


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