Malmö: Regional member meeting - Theme Assessing diversity and inclusion, 29 May 11:30-13:00

Welcome to the Members' Lunch in Malmö on the theme "Assessing diversity and inclusion", which is the theme of Diversity Month 2023.

Here you will have the opportunity to expand your network, contribute to the exchange of knowledge and fill your pantry with useful examples!


  • A buffet lunch is available.
  • Introduce ourselves briefly to each other.
  • Introduction of today's topic "Assessing Diversity and Inclusion", made by the Member Host.
  • Small group discussions, member hosts give us questions to discuss.

Location: Restaurant KP, Posthusplatsen 4, Malmö

Join the Skåne Group LinkedIn group. This is where we network digitally and participants post notes/pictures from the meeting!

For those who do not work in the Skåne region, but have colleagues there. Make sure to spread the invitation to them.

A warm welcome!

OBS! The event is free of charge and is only open to members or those who want to try out membership.

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