Signatory Event 2024

ICA group Kolonnvägen 20, Solna

Signatory Event 2024 - The big diversity and inclusion event of the year Signatory Event is the occasion when we officially welcome our new members, have time to mingle with each other and listen to inspiring [...]

Malmö Members' Lunch - New ESG CSRD ESRS Directives

Restaurant KP Posthusplatsen 4, Malmö

Malmö: Regional Members' Lunch ESG, CSRD, ESRS, Diversity/Inclusion Directives The Members' Lunch will continue the discussion of the thoughts and questions raised at the Friday Knowledge on 27 September. Sustainability is a growing [...]

Göteborg Members' breakfast

Ahlsell's Aminogatan 24, Mölndal, Sweden

Welcome to the Members' Breakfast in Gothenburg Theme: "How do we create engagement in our organisations around diversity and differences?" At the Members' Breakfast we will network and hear about best practices for [...]

International Day for Tolerance

16 November is UNESCO's International Day for Tolerance. It is celebrated worldwide to recognise the diversity of cultures, languages and religions that enrich us. Tolerance is about [...].

Stockholm: Regional Member Meeting: Menopause

DLA Piper Sweden Sveavägen 4, Stockholm, Sweden

Welcome to a member meeting in Stockholm on the theme: Menopause Friday Knowledge and Member Meeting We watch Friday Knowledge together, network, enjoy breakfast and discussions in small groups. More information about Friday Knowledge and the speakers [...]

Friday Knowledge - Menopause

How do we menopause-proof our jobs? 64% of all menopausal women report symptoms. 25% say it affects their job. The topic of the Friday Knowledge is important for all companies and organisations at management level [...]

Göteborg Member Meeting - Courages Talk with Essity

Essity Mölndal Bridge 2, Mölndal

Welcome to a member meeting in Gothenburg on the theme: Menopause and Courage Talk concept We continue the discussions from Friday Knowledge about Menopause and get to take part in Essity's Courage Talk concept, network and talk in [...]

News! Jönköping Member lunch - theme Menopause

Welcome to the premiere of the Members' Lunch in Jönköping! At the Members' Lunch, the discussions from the last Friday Knowledge continue with the theme Menopause. 2 out of 3 menopausal women experience problems. 25% states that it affects [...]

Friday Knowledge - Digital Accessibility


Tema: Digital tillgänglighet - Tillgänglighetsdirektivet. Tillgänglighetsdirektivet blir lagstiftning från och med den 28 juni 2025. Då ska produkter och tjänster online vara tillgängliga. Bland annat ska webbplatser, inklusive tillhörande nätapplikationer, […]

International Holocaust Memorial Day

On 27 January, people all over the world come together in an annual event. It is International Holocaust Remembrance Day - the same date that the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp was liberated in 1945. Since 2001 [...]

Sami National Day

The Sami National Day is celebrated on 6 February. It is common to all Sami people whether they live in Sweden, Norway, Finland or Russia. Sámi People's Day on 6 February commemorates [...].

Friday Knowledge - Theme LGBT+ , The new "Gender Equality Act"


Tema HBQT+, Den nya "könstillhörighetslagen" En ny könstillhörighetslag röstades igenom i riksdagen april 2024, efter att frågan har utretts i 17 år. Den lag som i dagligt tal kallas könstillhörighetslagen, […]

Diversity Month 2025

This May, European Diversity Month is being celebrated across the EU, with businesses and organisations across Europe being invited to join us and the European Commission in shining a spotlight on [...].

Friday Knowledge Theme: Pay Tranceparency Directive

Tema: Pay Tranceparency Directive Rådet antog den 24 april 2023 nya regler om insyn i lönesättningen. I Sverige kommer direktivet att bli lag och gälla från och med den 1 […]