Diversity Charter Sweden Annual Meeting 2023

Diversity Charter Sweden will hold its annual meeting on 31 March, 10.30-12.00. This is a members-only meeting.

Representatives of member companies and organisations have the right to attend and speak at the Annual General Meeting. However, only the elected representative (usually Diversity Charter Sweden's contact person) or his/her deputy has the right to vote.
Annual meeting documents such as the activity report, agenda, proposals of the Nominations Committee, activity plan, proposals of the Board, any motions and the audit report are sent out in the notice to delegates and are published on the website.

Motions for the Annual General Meeting must be received by the Board no later than 17 March 2023 and should be sent to admin@diversitycharter.se

The meeting takes place digital.

A warm welcome!

Logotype för Diversity Charter Sweden

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