Petra Karmteg förbereder sig inför inspelning av info-film. Ser henne både genom en liten skärm och bakom den.

Diversity Charter Sweden's first information film is here and it's yours!

The film provides answers on the benefits of diversity/inclusion, the importance of learning from others and what is included in membership. Simply a perfect tool for your vocal membership.

There is both a longer and shorter version of the film, where both are subtitled in Swedish and English. We would like to see the film used both internally and externally, as it is suitable for both meetings and social media. Use the film during Diversity Month, as part of an activity or build your activity around the film. Share the film further, this way we reach more people and become stronger. You can find the films on our youtube channel and below.

Take the chance to be inspired and informed by our great new information film!
Infofilm, approx. 59 sec, subtitled in Swedish.
Information film 59 sec, Swedish text
Information film, 59 sec English text
Information film 3,18 min, Swedish text
Information film 3,18 sec, English text
Petra Karmteg förbereder sig inför inspelning av info-film. Ser henne både genom en liten skärm och bakom den.

Stockholm: Regional Member Meeting: Menopause

REGISTER MEMBERSHIP CONTACT US " All Events Stockholm: Regional Member Meeting: Menopause November 29 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am Welcome to a member meeting in Stockholm on the theme: Menopause Friday Knowledge and Regional